Homolka's stringent restrictions include DNA sample
Where does the time go? Pretty fast if your Karla Homolka!! I still can't believe she's getting out of jail next month. How pathetic. But at least Karla Homolka will face certain restrictions over the next 12 months. Here's what a judge ordered:
-Check in with police once a month.
-Give police her address and tell them about her job and roommates.
-Advise police of any change in her name or address.
-Stay way from drugs.
-Not work anywhere she would have access to barbiturates.
-Not work with people under 16 or have any ties of authority with anyone under 16.
-Undergo regular therapy.
-Give a DNA sample = Yay to Bill C-13!
-Stay away from the families of her victims.
-Not associate with violent criminals.
-Give police 96 hours' notice if she wants to leave Quebec.
Here's how Karla looks (below)...and to read the whole story, visit:
-Check in with police once a month.
-Give police her address and tell them about her job and roommates.
-Advise police of any change in her name or address.
-Stay way from drugs.
-Not work anywhere she would have access to barbiturates.
-Not work with people under 16 or have any ties of authority with anyone under 16.
-Undergo regular therapy.
-Give a DNA sample = Yay to Bill C-13!
-Stay away from the families of her victims.
-Not associate with violent criminals.
-Give police 96 hours' notice if she wants to leave Quebec.
Here's how Karla looks (below)...and to read the whole story, visit:

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