Monday, April 21, 2008

Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, fully supports need to change parole laws

Finally an update re last Wednesday's meeting with Stockwell Day...
The bottom line is simple. Stockwell Day has given us his full support behind the need to change current parole laws for convicted killers like Ralph Power. Instead of automatic reviews every two years, Day agrees they should be moved to every five years.

We are now urging Day to make this a stand-alone issue versus part of a bundle.

Earl McRae - a columnist at the Ottawa Sun - wrote a good piece yesterday. You can read it at:


Blogger Unknown said...

What bothers me is that I consider myself to be a 'liberals liberal', but when I read articles like the one from the Sun that this linked to, I feel that the Death Sentence should be reintroduced. I know that we cannot pardon a corpse when it would be applied in error, and it would be, and that is a wrong beyound all wrongs and something never to be remedied. However,this creature, you cannot think of Power as a human as he has proven himself not to be, has shown that he cannot be intergrated into society, chiefly as he has no interest to be. One would think that in cases like his, with a murder under his belt and a past of horrible abuses upon women, as well as being a confirmed stalker, this should allow for a Death sentence as the ultimate penalty. Power will cause harm again if released. His lack of remorse tells anyone who is a thinking being this much. That he was on his way to being a serial killer in this incident makes one wonder if there is not in his past more victims, perhaps before his first incarceration, and upon his release he was just picking-up from where he left off. In the very least, he is a vicious repeat offender and should be detained until the end of his days for the safety of everyone and anyone that would have the misfortune to cross his path. That he has rights at all to regain his freedom is absolutely sickening.

4:48 a.m.  

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