Finally an Arrest re Nancy Cooper's Murder

Even though I haven't been posting about the status of the Nancy Murder - particularly the lack of official "persons of interest", I am so relieved there has finally been an arrest.
And reading that it's an arrest of Brad Cooper comes as no surprise. He had guilty written all over his face and he has since the day Nancy's body was discovered.
Since it's taken so long to make the arrest, I feel confident the police have some certain evidence that can't be denied.
I am also very relieved that their two little girls have been in the care of Nancy's family. And that this care will continue as Brad must face justice. I've read that Brad and Nancy's marriage was under major stress and that a separation was in the works. How tragic that Brad couldn't let that happen. And that instead he had to murder Nancy. It's like "if I can't have you, no one will". And to think he thought he could get away with it in this day and age! What an idiot.
And to think of those sweet, innocent little girls. How horrible to think that one day they will learn their father killed their mother. It's all so very wrong.
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