Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CCRA amendments show improved support for victims of crime

Very happy to hear about the government's announcement to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. It was just announced today and it involves amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA). The proposed legislation includes the following key reforms in four main areas: enhancing sharing of information with victims, enhancing offender responsibility and accountability; strengthening the management of offenders and their reintegration; and, modernizing disciplinary actions. What it all boils down to is better support for victims of crime...and these changes are a big step in the right direction.

Background: Although the CCRA clearly recognizes the interests of victims of crime and the role they play in the correctional and conditional release process, victims and victims’ advocates have voiced dissatisfaction with the current provisions and have called for enhancements. Therefore, a victim’s right to attend and make statements at National Parole Board hearings will be enshrined in law.

Additionally, the CCRA will be amended to expand the information that may be disclosed to victims by CSC and the National Parole Board (NPB). This includes:
  • providing information on the reason(s) for offender transfers with, whenever possible, advance notice of transfers to minimum security institutions;
  • disclosing information on offender program participation and any convictions for serious disciplinary offences;
  • sharing the reasons for a temporary absence from a correctional facility; and,
  • providing guardians/caregivers of dependents of victims who are deceased, ill or
    otherwise incapacitated with the same information that victims themselves can receive.
Another big change relates to when offenders withdraw their participation in a parole hearing 14 days or less before the scheduled date. Now, with the new amendments, the Board may proceed with a review and decisions of their case. This ensures that victims will no longer travel long distances to attend a parole hearing which is then cancelled at the last minute. Victims will also be able to request information on the reasons for a waiver of a parole hearing. I know from experience that this information we all want. Power has waived two hearings and we can only speculate why. To be accurately informed will be huge.

In addition to the proposed reforms to maximize the knowledge and access to services offered to victims of crime, a National Advisory Committee on Victims Issues co-chaired by the Departments of Justice and Public Safety will be created. This committee will give victims the opportunity to provide input into policies and procedures that impact victims and victims’ services.

There's more info at http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/media/nr/2009/nr20090616-1-eng.aspx

Reporters are on this already - spoke with Rob Tripp at the Kingston Whig and have a 4:30 interview with CTV News.


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