Monday, September 26, 2005

Jennifer Teague - Who did it?

As the days go by, me and everyone in Ottawa, can only hope that the police are close to solving her murder. I truly believe that if it is anyone who knew her, they will be caught. Just finding her body should give several clues. Plus I think the person or people will cave from the guilt of such a horrible crime - just like Daniel Sylvester did - the "normal guy" who killed his neighbour Alicia Ross in Toronto this past August.

What scares me most is if this was a random murder...
Could another Ralph Power be lurking?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Murder of Jennifer Teague - What Next?

We all had our hopes up that Jennifer Teague would be found alive, that she would be ok, that it was all a bad dream. But sadly that is not the case. Instead we're now faced with the reality that she has been murdered. What we don't yet know is why, or who committed this horrible crime.

I can only hope that the police will solve this crime quickly. It's the "not knowing why" that will continue to cause pain on Jennifer's family, Jennifer's friends and Jennifer's community. Bringing the coward(s) to justice will be key to everyone's safety. And justice means that the coward gets the sentence and serves the sentence that he/she or they deserve. I don't care if it was a first offence by someone Jennifer knew or whether it was a repeat offence by some known offender because when you get right down to it, it really doesn't matter. After all, we really can't change what's already happened. But we can make some noise and ensure that once this case is solved, the punishment will be the maximum possible penalty. No early escorted releases for good behaviour, no early parole opportunities, no liberties. Robbing Jennifer of her life at such a tender age deserves nothing less than that.

Monday, September 19, 2005

How DNA Bill Passed in Midst of Parliamentary Chaos

It's been a while since I've done a post - but I'm charged to get back at it! I miss raves and rants! But taking some time off this summer was good for me because last winter was crazy busy with work, family, PowerNoParole and of course Bill C-13, the DNA bill that passed in the toughest of political times. Steve Sullivan from the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, recently wrote a great article title "The Perfect Storm" and it's a mini-chronicle of this amazing journey. I was and still am very honoured to have worked with Steve (Thanks Steve!) and the other women involved (especially Terri) in the passing of this bill. The article is featured in Issue 64 (Summer issue) of "Express" which is published by the Canadian Professional Police Association and distributed to over 50,000 police officers.
Take a read - it's on pages 14 and 15 of this posted PDF...
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