Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Canadian Association for Victim Assistance - 2nd Annual Conference

Wow - I can't believe it's been so long since I've made a post! And it's not for lack of anything to say, but rather lack of time to say it.

However, I hope that's about to change because this is an important blog (at least to me) so...first things first. I want to let everyone know about a conference taking place in Mississauga (outside Toronto) later this month (Oct. 23-25, 2006). It's being presented by The Canadian Association for Victim Assistance (CAVA-ACAV)in partnership with Victim Services of Peel and the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness. This 2nd National Conference has a theme --- Strengthening Our Foundation: A Victim-Centered Approach to Justice.

I am presenting on two panels:
1. Victims and web sites
2. Advocacy and Bill C-13

So if you're interested in more details including the program agenda - or maybe you want to attend - visit: http://www.infocava.ca/

Back soon - I promise!
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