Monday, December 18, 2006

Restricting movement of convicted killers

I was so pleased to see that the good work of the CRCVC once again...
I'm sure they've been busy with lots of stuff but I haven't been great in terms of following the news. Life and work have been so damn busy!

Anyhow on page 19 of today's Ottawa Sun, there's a half page story that talks about issues around convicted killers who are on parole or out on a day pass in the communities of their victims. I know for my family, the fact that Ralph Power is in Bath Institution (outside Kingston), we are constantly worried about his release --- hence why we have been so public with our concerns. The thought of Power cruising the streets of Kingston which is a stones throw from Gananoque, where my parents live and my sister Sheryl is buried, is horrifying. For my parents to walk in fear is unfair. They've been through enough; we all have.

So here's hoping that Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day is able to make some changes to an issue he says is of "concern". Apparently he's asked officials to review the present policy and provide options for change.
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