Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cry me a river Karla!

Imagine...Karla fears for her life! Just like we all fear for her next victim! I can't believe she expects people - especially the media - to just leave her alone. For the safety of everyone, we deserve to know where she is and what she looks like. And it's the media that can make this happen. How she thinks she deserves privacy and dignity proves her inability to comprehend the horror she's imposed on so many lives.

You gotta read this article with several quotes from a tearful and frightened Karla:

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Senator sorry for supporting Homolka

The headline pretty much says it all. At least he came to his senses and realized that his comment was totally inappropriate.

I mean really...what was this senator thinking when he said we should "Give Karla a break"? How could anyone really think the conditions limiting Homolka's freedom when she finishes her 12-year sentence for manslaughter are "unjustified."

We're talking about the queen of deception being free to roam the streets...possibly your streets or mine! You can read this short apology story at:

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Using DNA to Solve Prostitution Slayings

Here's an article that could lead to part of the DNA Identification Act review process which is expected later this year...

Alberta's Justice Minister is calling on Ottawa to collect DNA samples from convicted clients of prostitutes and hold them in a national databank in an effort to solve a number of prostitute slayings.

One part of me says this makes sense. As the minister points out, solving these types of crime is especially difficult since the typical "John" is quite anonymous. Having the "John's" in a databank would change that.

But then there's a part of me - the same part that spoke up re inquests into the murders of any convicted offender inside our prisons - that says, hold on a second...

Given the costs and the resources required, should prostitution-type murders be a priority? Or would we rather see funds and resources go towards solving cold cases that involve truly innocent victims?

Not trying to be heartless. Just asking a tough question...

Read more at:

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Prison Inquests - Right or Wrong?

Five years ago, an inmate by the name of Donald James Mongeon was stabbed and murdered in his prison cell. Without sufficient evidence, no charges were laid and his murder remains unsolved. Now, the Ottawa Citizen has learned that the Ontario coroner's office will soon announce an inquest into the unsolved killing of Mongeon.

So the big question is: should we care?

Obviously if Mongeon is a friend or member of your family, you're going to care. You're going to want the case solved and you'll want the police/OPP to work the case as hard as they can.

But what about everyone else? Do we care that this murder or the murder of any convicted offender inside our prisons get solved? Given the cost of inquests and the resources required, should these cases even be a priority? Or would we rather see funds and resources go towards solving cold cases that involve truly innocent victims like Ardeth Wood?

Something to think about isn't it...Read more about this prison inquest story at:

Don't know of the Ardeth Wood murder? Her picture is below and more on her case is at:

Friday, June 10, 2005

Senator says "Give Karla a Break" ?!?

When I read this headline, I just about about lost it! "Give Karla a Break!" Who in their right mind would say that? Well none other than Liberal Sen. Michel Biron, 71, who actually had the nerve to say this on national television!! Is he nuts?!

He actually told CTV News last night that the conditions limiting Homolka's freedom when she finishes her 12-year sentence for manslaughter are "unjustified." You have to wonder about his mental state!

Read the full story at:

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.....

Comments like this are just so insensitive to the victims left behind the horrid acts of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Homolka's stringent restrictions include DNA sample

Where does the time go? Pretty fast if your Karla Homolka!! I still can't believe she's getting out of jail next month. How pathetic. But at least Karla Homolka will face certain restrictions over the next 12 months. Here's what a judge ordered:

-Check in with police once a month.
-Give police her address and tell them about her job and roommates.
-Advise police of any change in her name or address.
-Stay way from drugs.
-Not work anywhere she would have access to barbiturates.
-Not work with people under 16 or have any ties of authority with anyone under 16.
-Undergo regular therapy.
-Give a DNA sample = Yay to Bill C-13!
-Stay away from the families of her victims.
-Not associate with violent criminals.
-Give police 96 hours' notice if she wants to leave Quebec.

Here's how Karla looks (below)...and to read the whole story, visit:

Friday, June 03, 2005

Man Charged In 1993 Rape Case After DNA Reanalyzed

It's stories like this that make what we're doing so important. If you click the link below, you'll read a story about a guy that raped a woman back in 1993.

It's a US story but frankly the same holds true here in Canada. Raleigh, NC police had originally submitted the case to the SBI in June 1994, but no DNA match was made at the time.
Authorities said that because of more resources at the Crime Lab and updated equipment, the SBI was able to retest the evidence this spring using new technology and obtain a DNA profile of the suspect that could be used to search the state's DNA database. It's this that nailed the bastard!

Read more about the story at:

And keep in mind, it's the passing of Bill C-13 that's going to allow Canada this type of crime-solving opportunity.

Now we just wait and see what the courts say with regards to Karla Homolka's restrictions...I so, so, so support maximum restrictions on her! And how sick that she is connected to another cold-blooded con!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Karla Homolka - DNA request by Attorney General tomorrow

Karla Homolka is about to be in Canada's DNA Databank and it's only because we passed Bill C-13! That's right, the Ontario Attorney General’s office will be making an application to get Karla Homolka’s DNA tomorrow! This is the first time the new provisions of Bill C-13 will be used, but stay tuned because it won't be the last! There are thousands of horrible people like her in our prisons - killers and rapists - who are now going to have to submit DNA.

Karla has served her time and unfortunately that's all the time she can serve. But at least by having her DNA we'll force her to think twice about committing another crime. And if she's stupid enough to do it again, she'll be caught immediately! I wish she would be locked up for life but having her DNA is the next best thing.

Read more at:
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