Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ralph Power Waives Second Chance at Parole Review

Just got word that Ralph Power has declined his right for a parole review...again. He was to have had a review this coming May. His first scheduled parole review was to have happened in June of 2006...but he waived that opportunity too.

What an incredible relief for me and my family. The thought of sitting in the same room as him sickens me. Entertaining the idea of him being paroled sickens me even more.

Who knows - as I've said before - it's entirely possible that prison is home-sweet-home for Power. After all, he has spent the majority of his life being institutionalized.

And just because he's a psychopathic sociopath doesn't mean he's stupid. Not at all. So maybe he knows he is still a threat?

Whatever the case - I'm just thrilled to post this news!!
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